Verein Parallele Polis Weekly Meetup #4

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

Weekly team meetup; new members / supporters welcome! Agenda: 18:30 - 1930 Ernst Koslitsch Exhibition opening, "Invasion What So Ever" 19:30 - 20:30 Verein Intro & Update Team Presentations 20:30 Operator Burstup plays new tracks from his upcoming solo EP, "catn1p" 20:45 - 11:00 Hangout & chat during the Glitch Hop sounds of Operator Burstup

Aeternity Blockchain Meetup

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

Aeternity meetup with the cryptocommunity of Vienna 😊 in Parallele Polis Vienna 🤩. Manel Ruiz, the lead ambassador of Aeternity in Spain will present the advances made by Aeternity since the launch of its mainnet a year ago and the three hard forks performed during 2019. He will explain the characteristics of Aeternity that make […]


Verein Parallele Polis Meetup #12 Panama Posse

Parallele Polis Hofstattgasse 4, Vienna, Austria

This week: a socratic approach to understanding the technology surrounding us: there are no stupid questions.

Parallele Polis presents: NONCON 2020 in Vienna

Qrypto Qube Museumsplatz 1, Vienna, Vienna

We intend for NONCON 2020 to be much smaller in scope, cheaper, and in general more community oriented than EDCON was intended to be, as well as tilting the main topics towards community, development and security, while also be more inviting to interests outside the Ethereum ecosystem to include all cypherpunk and privacy focused individuals […]